Swift for the Cloud ------------------- Modes of operation ------------------ 1. Static mode: You define your cluster ahead of swift runs. 2. Dynamic mode: Cloud resources provisioned dynamically. Swift installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Prerequisites: Java 1.7 Ant Python 2.7 The following steps [source, bash] ----- # Install swift-trunk from git https://github.com/swift-lang/swift-k.git # Extract package tar xfz swift-0.95-RC6.tar.gz # Add swift to the PATH environment variable export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/swift-0.95-RC6/bin ----- Get the swift-on-cloud repository ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Clone the repository from github [source,bash] ---- git clone https://github.com/yadudoc/swift-on-cloud.git cd swift-on-cloud ---- Or, download the zip file from github and unpack. [source,bash] ---- # Download wget https://github.com/yadudoc/swift-on-cloud/archive/master.zip unzip master.zip mv swift-on-cloud-master swift-on-cloud cd swift-on-cloud ---- Run the swift-cloud-tutorial from the cloud ------------------------------------------- To run the tutorial on Google Compute Engine (GCE), follow the instructions here: + https://github.com/yadudoc/swift-on-cloud/tree/master/compute-engine + or, follow instructions for GCE, in the compute-engine folder of the swift-on-cloud repository. Once your instances are running, connect to the headnode. Everthing that you require for the swift-cloud-tutorial is already set up for you on the headnode. Simple "science applications" for the workflow tutorial ------------------------------------------------------- This tutorial is based on two intentionally trivial example programs, `simulation.sh` and `stats.sh`, (implemented as bash shell scripts) that serve as easy-to-understand proxies for real science applications. These "programs" behave as follows. simulate.sh ~~~~~~~~~~~ The simulation.sh script serves as a trivial proxy for any more complex scientific simulation application. It generates and prints a set of one or more random integers in the range [0-2^62) as controlled by its command line arguments, which are: ----- $ ./app/simulate.sh --help ./app/simulate.sh: usage: -b|--bias offset bias: add this integer to all results [0] -B|--biasfile file of integer biases to add to results [none] -l|--log generate a log in stderr if not null [y] -n|--nvalues print this many values per simulation [1] -r|--range range (limit) of generated results [100] -s|--seed use this integer [0..32767] as a seed [none] -S|--seedfile use this file (containing integer seeds [0..32767]) one per line [none] -t|--timesteps number of simulated "timesteps" in seconds (determines runtime) [1] -x|--scale scale the results by this integer [1] -h|-?|?|--help print this help $ ----- All of thess arguments are optional, with default values indicated above as `[n]`. //// .simulation.sh arguments [width="80%",cols="^2,10",options="header"] |======================= |Argument|Short|Description |1 |runtime: sets run time of simulation.sh in seconds |2 |range: limits generated values to the range [0,range-1] |3 |biasfile: add the integer contained in this file to each value generated |4 |scale: multiplies each generated value by this integer |5 |count: number of values to generate in the simulation |======================= //// With no arguments, simulate.sh prints 1 number in the range of 1-100. Otherwise it generates n numbers of the form (R*scale)+bias where R is a random integer. By default it logs information about its execution environment to stderr. Here's some examples of its usage: ----- $ simulate.sh 2>log 5 $ head -4 log Called as: /home/wilde/swift/tut/CIC_2013-08-09/app/simulate.sh: Start time: Thu Aug 22 12:40:24 CDT 2013 Running on node: login01.osgconnect.net $ simulate.sh -n 4 -r 1000000 2>log 239454 386702 13849 873526 $ simulate.sh -n 3 -r 1000000 -x 100 2>log 6643700 62182300 5230600 $ simulate.sh -n 2 -r 1000 -x 1000 2>log 565000 636000 $ time simulate.sh -n 2 -r 1000 -x 1000 -t 3 2>log 336000 320000 real 0m3.012s user 0m0.005s sys 0m0.006s ----- stats.sh ~~~~~~~~ The stats.sh script serves as a trivial model of an "analysis" program. It reads N files each containing M integers and simply prints the\ average of all those numbers to stdout. Similarly to simulate.sh it logs environmental information to the stderr. ----- $ ls f* f1 f2 f3 f4 $ cat f* 25 60 40 75 $ stats.sh f* 2>log 50 ----- Basic of the Swift language with local execution ------------------------------------------------ A Summary of Swift in a nutshell ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Swift scripts are text files ending in `.swift` The `swift` command runs on any host, and executes these scripts. `swift` is a Java application, which you can install almost anywhere. On Linux, just unpack the distribution `tar` file and add its `bin/` directory to your `PATH`. * Swift scripts run ordinary applications, just like shell scripts do. Swift makes it easy to run these applications on parallel and remote computers (from laptops to supercomputers). If you can `ssh` to the system, Swift can likely run applications there. * The details of where to run applications and how to get files back and forth are described in configuration files separate from your program. Swift speaks ssh, PBS, Condor, SLURM, LSF, SGE, Cobalt, and Globus to run applications, and scp, http, ftp, and GridFTP to move data. * The Swift language has 5 main data types: `boolean`, `int`, `string`, `float`, and `file`. Collections of these are dynamic, sparse arrays of arbitrary dimension and structures of scalars and/or arrays defined by the `type` declaration. * Swift file variables are "mapped" to external files. Swift sends files to and from remote systems for you automatically. * Swift variables are "single assignment": once you set them you can't change them (in a given block of code). This makes Swift a natural, "parallel data flow" language. This programming model keeps your workflow scripts simple and easy to write and understand. * Swift lets you define functions to "wrap" application programs, and to cleanly structure more complex scripts. Swift `app` functions take files and parameters as inputs and return files as outputs. * A compact set of built-in functions for string and file manipulation, type conversions, high level IO, etc. is provided. Swift's equivalent of `printf()` is `tracef()`, with limited and slightly different format codes. * Swift's `foreach {}` statement is the main parallel workhorse of the language, and executes all iterations of the loop concurrently. The actual number of parallel tasks executed is based on available resources and settable "throttles". * In fact, Swift conceptually executes *all* the statements, expressions and function calls in your program in parallel, based on data flow. These are similarly throttled based on available resources and settings. * Swift also has `if` and `switch` statements for conditional execution. These are seldom needed in simple workflows but they enable very dynamic workflow patterns to be specified. We'll see many of these points in action in the examples below. Lets get started! Part 1: Run a single application under Swift ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The first swift script, p1.swift, runs simulate.sh to generate a single random number. It writes the number to a file. image::part01.png["p1 workflow",align="center"] .p1.swift ----- sys::[cat ../part01/p1.swift] ----- To run this script, run the following command: ----- $ cd part01 $ swift p1.swift Swift 0.94.1 RC2 swift-r6895 cog-r3765 RunID: 20130827-1413-oa6fdib2 Progress: time: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 14:13:33 -0500 Final status: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 14:13:33 -0500 Finished successfully:1 $ cat sim.out 84 $ swift p1.swift $ cat sim.out 36 ----- To cleanup the directory and remove all outputs (including the log files and directories that Swift generates), run the cleanup script which is located in the tutorial PATH: [source,bash] ----- $ cleanup ----- NOTE: You'll also find two Swift configuration files in each `partNN` directory of this tutorial. These specify the environment-specific details of where to find application programs (file `apps`) and where to run them (file `sites.xml`). These files will be explained in more detail in parts 4-6, and can be ignored for now. //// It defines things like the work directory, the scheduler to use, and how to control parallelism. The sites.xml file below will tell Swift to run on the local machine only, and run just 1 task at a time. .swift.properties ----- sys::[cat ../part01/swift.properties] ----- In this case, it indicates that the app "simulate" (the first token in the command line declaration of the function `simulation`, at line NNN) is located in the file simulate.sh and (since the path `simulate.sh` is specified with no directory components) Swift expects that the `simulate.sh` executable will be available in your $PATH. .apps ----- sys::[cat ../part01/apps] ----- //// Part 2: Running an ensemble of many apps in parallel with a "foreach" loop ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The `p2.swift` script introduces the `foreach` parallel iteration construct to run many concurrent simulations. image::part02.png[align="center"] .p2.swift ----- sys::[cat ../part02/p2.swift] ----- The script also shows an example of naming the output files of an ensemble run. In this case, the output files will be named `output/sim_N.out`. In part 2, we also update the apps file. Instead of using shell script (simulate.sh), we use the equivalent python version (simulate.py). The new apps file now looks like this: ----- sys::[cat ../part02/apps] ----- Swift does not need to know anything about the language an application is written in. The application can be written in Perl, Python, Java, Fortran, or any other language. To run the script and view the output: ----- $ cd ../part02 $ swift p2.swift $ ls output sim_0.out sim_1.out sim_2.out sim_3.out sim_4.out sim_5.out sim_6.out sim_7.out sim_8.out sim_9.out $ more output/* :::::::::::::: output/sim_0.out :::::::::::::: 44 :::::::::::::: output/sim_1.out :::::::::::::: 55 ... :::::::::::::: output/sim_9.out :::::::::::::: 82 ----- Part 3: Analyzing results of a parallel ensemble ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After all the parallel simulations in an ensemble run have completed, its typically necessary to gather and analyze their results with some kind of post-processing analysis program or script. p3.swift introduces such a postprocessing step. In this case, the files created by all of the parallel runs of `simulation.sh` will be averaged by by the trivial "analysis application" `stats.sh`: image::part03.png[align="center"] .p3.swift ---- sys::[cat ../part03/p3.swift] ---- To run: ---- $ cd part03 $ swift p3.swift ---- Note that in `p3.swift` we expose more of the capabilities of the `simulate.sh` application to the `simulation()` app function: ----- app (file o) simulation (int sim_steps, int sim_range, int sim_values) { simulate "--timesteps" sim_steps "--range" sim_range "--nvalues" sim_values stdout=filename(o); } ----- `p3.swift` also shows how to fetch application-specific values from the `swift` command line in a Swift script using `arg()` which accepts a keyword-style argument and its default value: ----- int nsim = toInt(arg("nsim","10")); int steps = toInt(arg("steps","1")); int range = toInt(arg("range","100")); int values = toInt(arg("values","5")); ----- Now we can specify that more runs should be performed and that each should run for more timesteps, and produce more that one value each, within a specified range, using command line arguments placed after the Swift script name in the form `-parameterName=value`: ----- $ swift p3.swift -nsim=3 -steps=10 -values=4 -range=1000000 Swift 0.94.1 RC2 swift-r6895 cog-r3765 RunID: 20130827-1439-s3vvo809 Progress: time: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 14:39:42 -0500 Progress: time: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 14:39:53 -0500 Active:2 Stage out:1 Final status: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 14:39:53 -0500 Finished successfully:4 $ ls output/ average.out sim_0.out sim_1.out sim_2.out $ more output/* :::::::::::::: output/average.out :::::::::::::: 651368 :::::::::::::: output/sim_0.out :::::::::::::: 735700 886206 997391 982970 :::::::::::::: output/sim_1.out :::::::::::::: 260071 264195 869198 933537 :::::::::::::: output/sim_2.out :::::::::::::: 201806 213540 527576 944233 ----- Now try running (`-nsim=`) 100 simulations of (`-steps=`) 1 second each: ----- $ swift p3.swift -nsim=100 -steps=1 Swift 0.94.1 RC2 swift-r6895 cog-r3765 RunID: 20130827-1444-rq809ts6 Progress: time: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 14:44:55 -0500 Progress: time: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 14:44:56 -0500 Selecting site:79 Active:20 Stage out:1 Progress: time: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 14:44:58 -0500 Selecting site:58 Active:20 Stage out:1 Finished successfully:21 Progress: time: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 14:44:59 -0500 Selecting site:37 Active:20 Stage out:1 Finished successfully:42 Progress: time: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 14:45:00 -0500 Selecting site:16 Active:20 Stage out:1 Finished successfully:63 Progress: time: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 14:45:02 -0500 Active:15 Stage out:1 Finished successfully:84 Progress: time: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 14:45:03 -0500 Finished successfully:101 Final status: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 14:45:03 -0500 Finished successfully:101 ----- We can see from Swift's "progress" status that the tutorial's default `swift.properties` parameters for local execution allow Swift to run up to 20 application invocations concurrently on the login node. We'll look at this in more detail in the next sections where we execute applications on the site's compute nodes. Running applications on compute nodes with Swift ------------------------------------------------ Part 4: Running a parallel ensemble on compute nodes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `p4.swift` will run our mock "simulation" applications on compute nodes. The script is similar to as `p3.swift`, but specifies that each simulation app invocation should additionally return the log file which the application writes to `stderr`. //// FIXME: need to revise this figure: drop prog: , making the parallel portion of the script behave like this: image::part04.png[align="center"] .p4.swift ---- sys::[cat ../part04/p4.swift] ---- //// Now when you run `swift p4.swift` you'll see that two types output files will placed in the `output/` directory: `sim_N.out` and `sim_N.log`. The log files provide data on the runtime environment of each app invocation. For example: ----- $ cat output/sim_0.log Called as: simulate.sh: --timesteps 1 --range 100 --nvalues 5 Start time: Tue Oct 22 14:54:11 CDT 2013 Running as user: uid=5116(davidk) gid=311(collab) groups=311(collab),104(fuse),1349(swift),45053(swat) Running on node: stomp Node IP address: Simulation parameters: bias=0 biasfile=none initseed=none log=yes paramfile=none range=100 scale=1 seedfile=none timesteps=1 output width=8 Environment: EDITOR=vim HOME=/homes/davidk JAVA_HOME=/nfs/proj-davidk/jdk1.7.0_01 LANG=C .... ----- ///// To tell Swift to run the apps on compute nodes, we specify in the `apps` file that the apps should be executed on the `cloud` site (instead of the `localhost` site). We can specify the location of each app in the third field of the `apps` file, with either an absolute pathname or the name of an executable to be located in `PATH`). Here we use the latter form: ----- $ cat apps cloud simulate simulate.sh cloud stats stats.sh ----- You can experiment, for example, with an alternate version of stats.sh by specfying that app's location explicitly: ----- $ cat apps cloud simulate simulate.sh cloud stats /home/users/p01532/bin/my-alt-stats.sh ----- We can see that when we run many apps requesting a larger set of nodes (6), we are indeed running on the compute nodes: ----- $ swift p4.swift -nsim=1000 -steps=1 Swift 0.94.1 RC2 swift-r6895 cog-r3765 RunID: 20130827-1638-t23ax37a Progress: time: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 16:38:11 -0500 Progress: time: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 16:38:12 -0500 Initializing:966 Progress: time: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 16:38:13 -0500 Selecting site:499 Submitting:500 Submitted:1 Progress: time: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 16:38:14 -0500 Selecting site:499 Stage in:1 Submitted:500 Progress: time: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 16:38:16 -0500 Selecting site:499 Submitted:405 Active:95 Stage out:1 Progress: time: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 16:38:17 -0500 Selecting site:430 Submitted:434 Active:66 Stage out:1 Finished successfully:69 Progress: time: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 16:38:18 -0500 Selecting site:388 Submitted:405 Active:95 Stage out:1 Finished successfully:111 ... Progress: time: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 16:38:30 -0500 Stage in:1 Submitted:93 Active:94 Finished successfully:812 Progress: time: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 16:38:31 -0500 Submitted:55 Active:95 Stage out:1 Finished successfully:849 Progress: time: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 16:38:32 -0500 Active:78 Stage out:1 Finished successfully:921 Progress: time: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 16:38:34 -0500 Active:70 Stage out:1 Finished successfully:929 Progress: time: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 16:38:37 -0500 Stage in:1 Finished successfully:1000 Progress: time: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 16:38:38 -0500 Stage out:1 Finished successfully:1000 Final status: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 16:38:38 -0500 Finished successfully:1001 $ grep "on node:" output/*log | head output/sim_0.log:Running on node: nid00063 output/sim_100.log:Running on node: nid00060 output/sim_101.log:Running on node: nid00061 output/sim_102.log:Running on node: nid00032 output/sim_103.log:Running on node: nid00060 output/sim_104.log:Running on node: nid00061 output/sim_105.log:Running on node: nid00032 output/sim_106.log:Running on node: nid00060 output/sim_107.log:Running on node: nid00061 output/sim_108.log:Running on node: nid00062 $ grep "on node:" output/*log | awk '{print $4}' | sort | uniq -c 158 nid00032 156 nid00033 171 nid00060 178 nid00061 166 nid00062 171 nid00063 $ hostname raven $ hostname -f nid00008 ----- ///// Performing larger Swift runs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To test with larger runs, there are two changes that are required. The first is a change to the command line arguments. The example below will run 1000 simulations with each simulation taking 5 seconds. ----- $ swift p6.swift -steps=5 -nsim=1000 ----- Part 5: Controlling the compute-node pools where applications run ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This section is under development. Part 6: Specifying more complex workflow patterns ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ p6.swift expands the workflow pattern of p4.swift to add additional stages to the workflow. Here, we generate a dynamic seed value that will be used by all of the simulations, and for each simulation, we run an pre-processing application to generate a unique "bias file". This pattern is shown below, followed by the Swift script. image::part06.png[align="center"] .p6.swift ---- sys::[cat ../part06/p6.swift] ---- Note that the workflow is based on data flow dependencies: each simulation depends on the seed value, calculated in this statement: ----- seedfile = genseed(1); ----- and on the bias file, computed and then consumed in these two dependent statements: ----- biasfile = genbias(1000, 20, simulate_script); (simout,simlog) = simulation(steps, range, biasfile, 1000000, values, simulate_script, seedfile); ----- To run: ---- $ cd ../part06 $ swift p6.swift ---- The default parameters result in the following execution log: ----- $ swift p6.swift Swift 0.94.1 RC2 swift-r6895 cog-r3765 RunID: 20130827-1917-jvs4gqm5 Progress: time: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 19:17:56 -0500 *** Script parameters: nsim=10 range=100 num values=10 Progress: time: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 19:17:57 -0500 Stage in:1 Submitted:10 Generated seed=382537 Progress: time: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 19:17:59 -0500 Active:9 Stage out:1 Finished successfully:11 Final status: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 19:18:00 -0500 Finished successfully:22 ----- which produces the following output: ----- $ ls -lrt output total 264 -rw-r--r-- 1 p01532 61532 9 Aug 27 19:17 seed.dat -rw-r--r-- 1 p01532 61532 180 Aug 27 19:17 bias_9.dat -rw-r--r-- 1 p01532 61532 180 Aug 27 19:17 bias_8.dat -rw-r--r-- 1 p01532 61532 180 Aug 27 19:17 bias_7.dat -rw-r--r-- 1 p01532 61532 180 Aug 27 19:17 bias_6.dat -rw-r--r-- 1 p01532 61532 180 Aug 27 19:17 bias_5.dat -rw-r--r-- 1 p01532 61532 180 Aug 27 19:17 bias_4.dat -rw-r--r-- 1 p01532 61532 180 Aug 27 19:17 bias_3.dat -rw-r--r-- 1 p01532 61532 180 Aug 27 19:17 bias_2.dat -rw-r--r-- 1 p01532 61532 180 Aug 27 19:17 bias_1.dat -rw-r--r-- 1 p01532 61532 180 Aug 27 19:17 bias_0.dat -rw-r--r-- 1 p01532 61532 90 Aug 27 19:17 sim_9.out -rw-r--r-- 1 p01532 61532 14897 Aug 27 19:17 sim_9.log -rw-r--r-- 1 p01532 61532 14897 Aug 27 19:17 sim_8.log -rw-r--r-- 1 p01532 61532 90 Aug 27 19:17 sim_7.out -rw-r--r-- 1 p01532 61532 90 Aug 27 19:17 sim_6.out -rw-r--r-- 1 p01532 61532 14897 Aug 27 19:17 sim_6.log -rw-r--r-- 1 p01532 61532 90 Aug 27 19:17 sim_5.out -rw-r--r-- 1 p01532 61532 14897 Aug 27 19:17 sim_5.log -rw-r--r-- 1 p01532 61532 90 Aug 27 19:17 sim_4.out -rw-r--r-- 1 p01532 61532 14897 Aug 27 19:17 sim_4.log -rw-r--r-- 1 p01532 61532 14897 Aug 27 19:17 sim_1.log -rw-r--r-- 1 p01532 61532 90 Aug 27 19:18 sim_8.out -rw-r--r-- 1 p01532 61532 14897 Aug 27 19:18 sim_7.log -rw-r--r-- 1 p01532 61532 90 Aug 27 19:18 sim_3.out -rw-r--r-- 1 p01532 61532 14897 Aug 27 19:18 sim_3.log -rw-r--r-- 1 p01532 61532 90 Aug 27 19:18 sim_2.out -rw-r--r-- 1 p01532 61532 14898 Aug 27 19:18 sim_2.log -rw-r--r-- 1 p01532 61532 90 Aug 27 19:18 sim_1.out -rw-r--r-- 1 p01532 61532 90 Aug 27 19:18 sim_0.out -rw-r--r-- 1 p01532 61532 14897 Aug 27 19:18 sim_0.log -rw-r--r-- 1 p01532 61532 9 Aug 27 19:18 average.out -rw-r--r-- 1 p01532 61532 14675 Aug 27 19:18 average.log ----- Each sim_N.out file is the sum of its bias file plus newly "simulated" random output scaled by 1,000,000: ----- $ cat output/bias_0.dat 302 489 81 582 664 290 839 258 506 310 293 508 88 261 453 187 26 198 402 555 $ cat output/sim_0.out 64000302 38000489 32000081 12000582 46000664 36000290 35000839 22000258 49000506 75000310 ----- We produce 20 values in each bias file. Simulations of less than that number of values ignore the unneeded number, while simualtions of more than 20 will use the last bias number for all remoaining values past 20. As an exercise, adjust the code to produce the same number of bias values as is needed for each simulation. As a further exercise, modify the script to generate a unique seed value for each simulation, which is a common practice in ensemble computations. Tips for Specific Resources --------------------------- Open Science Data Cloud ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. When you start instances on OSDC, use the standard Ubuntu image. 2. Ensure that your SSH key is added to the instance for password login. 3. Swift should run on the OSDC headnode. 4. You can use the following command within coaster-service.conf to automatically populate WORKER_HOSTS with the IP addresses of all active instances you have running. ----- export WORKER_HOSTS=$( nova list | grep ACTIVE | sed -e 's/^.*private=//' -e 's/ .*//' |sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g' ) -----