Interface ComponentRenderer

All Known Subinterfaces:
StreamRenderer, SwingComponentRenderer
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractGenericNodeRenderer, AbstractRenderer, AbstractSwingRenderer, AntRenderer, EdgeRenderer, EdgeWithLabelRenderer, GenericDotEdgeRenderer, GenericDotNodeRenderer, GenericHTMLEdgeRenderer, GenericHTMLNodeRenderer, GenericPostScriptEdgeRenderer, GenericPostScriptNodeRenderer, GenericRemoteEdgeRenderer, GenericRemoteNodeRenderer, GenericSVGEdgeRenderer, GenericSVGNodeRenderer, IconRenderer, LoopEdgeRenderer, NullRenderer, SimpleArrowRenderer, SwingEdgeRenderer, SwingNodeRenderer, TargetNodeRenderer

public interface ComponentRenderer

Defines an interface for a component renderer. A renderer is responsible with displaying the node/edge and interpreting their properties in a visual/behavioral fashion.

Method Summary
 void dispose()
          For cleanup purposes.
 GraphComponent getComponent()
          Returns the component that this renderer represents
 void setComponent(GraphComponent comp)
          Sets the component that this renderer is supposed to represent

Method Detail


void setComponent(GraphComponent comp)
Sets the component that this renderer is supposed to represent

comp -


GraphComponent getComponent()
Returns the component that this renderer represents



void dispose()
For cleanup purposes. Removes external references to the renderer so that it can be garbage collected.